About Us

As a part of M.Zahid Travel LTD,booking247.com is an online global hotel booking portal with a main office located in Blackburn, the United Kingdom and regional offices operating from Egypt and India.

Booking247.com is working now in 100+ countries and 1000+ cities around the world. During the years of our work, Booking247.com has been able to form a wide base of customers and Hotel partners around the world. The company has been able to achieve a high participation rate in The European, Turkish, GCC, MENA and Asian Markets. Currently, we are expanding our hotels’ partners’ base globally to cover the growing demands and needs of our customers.

Booking247.com hosts all types of accommodations that can honor a travelling guest ranging from luxury urban flats till 5-star-deluxe city-center hotels. We, along with our accommodation partners, do our best to provide the best variety of rooms and prices that can meet our clients wishes, expectations and budget.We also accept a multitude of currencies and offer flexible methods of payments. Utilizing secure pay terminals, we ensure that your payments are encrypted and come safely straight to us, guaranteeing your privacy. So you wish and we perform, when it comes to a hotel booking, booking247.com is your best choice to do the job.